

Press Releases

Province Contributes $10.6 million to MOPC's Rural Internet Project

February 2023

by Sueann Musick

The Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust will invest $10.6 million in the Municipality of Pictou County’s independent project to bring high-speed internet to more than 4,700 homes and businesses.

“The Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust shares our commitment to provide Nova Scotians with high-speed internet access,” said Community Services Minister Karla MacFarlane, MLA for Pictou West, on behalf of Public Works Minister Kim Masland, who shares ministerial responsibility for Build Nova Scotia. “The Pictou County Rural Broadband Project is an important part of how we will achieve this, and together with our partners, we are pleased to support this expansion.”

The municipality’s fibre expansion project will cost about $53 million. In December, the Government of Canada announced up to $31 million for the project, while the county is expected to contribute $10.6 million.

In the meantime, the county started rolling out a fixed wireless service in December. It will be available to all residents in the zone, and when the fibre is ready, people will be able to switch over.

Residents and business owners in Pictou County and other parts of the province also have the option to get internet service faster through the provincial Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program. The program provides an interim solution until fixed wireless or wired projects – such as the one in Pictou County – are complete.

The rebate covers the one-time costs for eligible homes and businesses to set up satellite internet, including hardware, shipping, installation and tax, up to a maximum of $1,000. In November, the program was expanded to accept applications from any resident or business owner who currently does not have access to wired or wireless internet service.


On behalf of our council, I thank Premier Houston and the trustees of the Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust for their significant investment. The residents of rural Pictou County will soon have access, at a reasonable price, to quality high-speed internet. Thanks to sizeable federal and provincial contributions to our high-speed internet project, no individual and no business will be left behind, no matter where they are located in our rural municipality. This will encourage all of our communities to grow in numbers and in prosperity.Robert Parker, Warden, Municipality of Pictou County

Quick Facts:

the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative was established in 2018 with an investment of $193 million for the independent Nova Scotia Internet Funding Trust

the Satellite Internet Service Rebate Program is funded through the trust, following a government investment of $8.5 million in 2021-22

to date, the trust has invested $180.7 million in projects and leveraged another $169.9 million through partnerships

through projects underway, the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative is on track to reach 98,500 homes and businesses by the end of 2023

when Pictou County’s independent project is complete, expected in 2025, 99.99 per cent of Nova Scotia homes and businesses will have internet access

Additional Resources:

More information about the Internet for Nova Scotia Initiative is available at:

More information on the Pictou County high-speed internet project is available at:

Information on the federal government’s Universal Broadband Fund, which is providing funding for the Pictou County project:

Federal Government Commits $31.7 Million to Rural Broadband Project

December 2022

by Sueann Musick

Thank you to the Federal Government's Universal Broadband Fund, which contributed up to $31 million to the Municipality of Pictou County's Rural Broadband Project.

Central Nova MP Sean Fraser made the announcement today (Dec. 19th) at Fossil Farms in Merigomish on behalf of Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development.

The funding will bring high-speed internet access to more than 4700 homes in rural communities across Nova Scotia.

"High-speed internet is essential to the well-being of communities," said Minister Fraser. Connectivity is an economic issue for local residents and businesses and a public safety issue for first responders, and it allows rural communities to thrive in the 21st century. Today's announcement will ensure Pictou County has the tools to succeed for the next generation."

The MOPC's Rural Broadband Project includes both wireless and fibre components.

" Our municipally owned and operated high-speed network will provide rural residents with quality internet and make this community a leader in future growth for all sectors of business, health care, education, tourism and recreation," said MOPC Warden Robert Parker. "The recent weather events in the Maritimes have also proven that our network needs to play a critical role in keeping residents connected to emergency services in case of future weather events that are a direct result of climate change. Thank you to the federal government for supporting our project, which will keep our rural community connected, not only to each other but also to the rest of the world."


The MOPC is putting fibre on the poles and leasing it to internet service providers who will provide residents with high-speed internet. There are currently three service providers with the MOPC project, Purple Cow, NCS (Nova Scotia High-Speed Internet) and TNC Wireless.

The MOPC will generate revenue by leasing its infrastructure to internet service providers and that revenue will go towards the cost of building and maintaining the network.

Think of the MOPC's network as a toll highway, so that the users (internet service providers) pay to use our infrastructure to provide residents with high-speed internet.

Open Access means the highway is open to everyone, not one service provider.

To build an Open Access, High-Speed Network in Pictou County that includes fibre and wireless infrastructure, we need:

  • 1123 Kilometres of Fibre Optics
  • Minimum Speeds generated:
  • Wireless 5 Mbps upload,
  • 25Mbps download
  • Fibre- 10 Mbps upload
  • 50 Mbps download

Residents along Highway 376 from Lyons Brook to Central West River are currently connected to our fibre.

Packages from Internet Service Providers range from $30 to $100 a month, depending on the service provider and the package the customer chooses.


The MOPC is in the process of testing and connecting customers to its 14 towers. The wireless service will be sold by the MOPC directly.

We have branded the wireless service as MOPC FirstHome.

The MOPC received $4.46 million from the federal government Federal Government’s Universal Broadband Fund Rapid Response Program in the spring of 2020. This money was put toward the wireless component of the project.

MOPC has contracted a company to care for connections and system maintenance. Our wireless service costs $49.99 plus HST per month, with no data cap and no contract. Anyone interested in connecting to the service can call Heather Allen at 1-833-727-2256 or email

Tower locations are:

  • MOPC Administration Building
  • Hardwood Hill
  • Green Hill
  • Town of Pictou
  • Eureka
  • Eden Lake
  • Mt Thom
  • MacLellans Mountain
  • Blue Mountain
  • Meiklefield
  • Willowdale
  • Baileys Brook
  • River John
  • Poplar Hill
  • Sunnybrae
  • East River

It currently has a Facebook Page called MOPC FirstHome that provides updates on our wireless service. MOPC has regular updates on its website at for fibre and wireless services.

For more coverage of the Dec. 19th announcement by Minister Fraser and remarks by MOPC Warden Robert Parker can be found on the Municipality of Pictou County's YouTube Channel.

Federal Government Commits $31.7 Million to Rural Broadband Project

December 2022

by Sueann Musick


MOPC Network Update

May 2024

by Shannon Payne

River John & Toney River Build-Out Complete

May 2024

by Shannon Payne

We are proud to report the successful completion of the MOPC Fibre First Network build-out in River John and Toney River. This expansion represents a pivotal step in providing high-speed, reliable internet access to more households and enterprises in these areas.

Drop In Assistance Available Oct. 18 and 19th, 2022

October 2022

by Sueann Musick

Attention Residents of Lyons Brook and Hardwood Hill areas: If you received a letter letting you know you are eligible to be hooked up to the MOPC's fibre high-speed internet and need assistance signing up or have questions you would like answered in person, come see us next week.

Drop-in assistance will be available upstairs in our administration building at 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou.

Tuesday, October 18 from 10 a.m.-Noon p.m.

Wednesday, October 19 - 1-4 p.m. and 630-830 p.m.

The first step is getting the data utility box connected to your home, free of charge while crews are in the area. Installations are expected to begin the week of September 24 for people who have registered.

Rural Broadband Project Update after Hurrican Fiona

October 2022

by Sueann Musick

As you can imagine,  Hurricane Fiona has created some new work for us on our rural broadband project.  At the very least, we are bruised but not beaten. 

We are in the process of accessing the fibre that has already been put in place in the Lyons Brook and Hardwood Hill area to see what repairs need to be done and crews are continuing with fibre installation along Highway 4 towards Mount Thom.  

For residents who received a letter from the municipality stating they can now sign up for the free data utility connection to their home, Telecon will resume customer hookups for those in the queue for service beginning October 24. 

If you have received a letter, but have not put in a request to be connected as of yet,  it is recommended you do so immediately.  The connection of the data utility is being done free of charge while work crews are still in your area.  This does not mean you need to select an internet service provider, but instead that you have taken the first step to getting connected to the MOPC Rural Broadband Network.  

In regard to our wireless service, towers are also being accessed for damages, but wireless service is still expected to be available by late fall.  Testing is continuing on the Hardwood Hill and Mount Thom towers.   When wireless services become available, residents will receive a letter with instructions on how to connect to it.  

We apologize for these new delays, but we are doing our best to get back on track. 

Wireless Internet Testers Needed for Mt Thom Area

September 2022

by Sueann Musick

NOW THAT WE HAVE YOUR ATTENTION.... We are looking for additional test customers in the Mt Thom area for the wireless portion of our rural internet project. All you have to do is email and include your civic address for a chance at having a free wireless internet trial for 30 days.

10 Wireless Test Homes Needed for MOPC Rural Broadband Project

August 2022

by Sueann Musick

We The Municipality of Pictou County is offering a select number of households a FREE (approx) 30-day trial of the service. After the ~30-day period, if you choose to keep the service, you will be contacted via email to either continue for a monthly fee of $49.99 plus HST, or to cancel the service with no charge to you.

We are seeking trial customers to help test the new system’s bandwidth and capacity. Interruptions could be expected in the early days as we conduct testing and upgrades.

The areas of the county eligible for the free trial include:

  • Scotch Hill Road, Scotch Hill
  • Hardwood Hill Road, Heathbell
  • Durham Road, Scotsburn
  • MacKeen Road, Scotsburn
  • MacLeod Road, Heathbell
  • Second Division Road, Scotch Hill
  • Stewart Road, Rogers Hill
  • Stewart Road, Lyons Brook
  • Loch Broom Loop

Please Note only 10 homes are being used for the test period. These homes are testing the signal from the Hardwood Hill tower and we expect that once testing is complete in about 30 days and service will be open to all eligible residents.

To register as a test home,, please do so no later than September 9th by contacting

Installation involves placing a small dish with a radio on a tripod (smaller than a tv satellite dish) on the house- usually the roof or the eaves- and running a single wire into the home where a wireless access point is place to provide wifi.

If a strong enough signal is not found, they may be provided with a quote on what can be done to bring in the signal- but in some cases, there may not be a solution. Current services do not need to be removed or cancelled until the end of the trial if you wish to remain with MOPC as their service provider.

Province offers Satelite Rebate Program

August 2022

by Sueann Musick

The Municipality of Pictou County has been getting many questions about Develop Nova Scotia’s recently announced rebate program for Star Link.

We are happy to provide the link to the program and information made available by the provincial government and Develop Nova Scotia, but this is not our rebate program. The MOPC is currently building its own broadband network that includes wireless and fibre connections, but not satellites.

The link to determine if you are eligible for the rebate program is

We certainly want our project to be supported by residents, but we also understand that there are people who need better internet services now. If you are ineligible for the DNS rebate program, it means that we are doing our best to provide you with high-speed internet service by end of 2023. It will be sooner than this for many people as our wireless services are expected to be available this fall for $50 a month. Fibre is also being tested in homes in the Lyons Brook area now and more homes will be added as the project expands throughout the county.

We are not here to discourage anyone from considering the provincial rebate if this is the best option for you, but if you have questions about it, we suggest you contact


Telephone: 1-800-298-2854

From Develop Nova Scotia:

Currently, the satellite rebate is available to the approximate 3,700 homes and businesses for which no other wired or wireless internet solution will ever be feasible, as well as those who have a project underway but are not scheduled to obtain access until after December 31, 2023. We want to be sure that these addresses have the first opportunity to secure satellite services. Because your location is expected to be covered under the current MOPC project before Dec. 2023, it wouldn’t be eligible for this rebate, at this time.

There is a possibility that it may be eligible in the future. Depending on program uptake over the coming weeks and months, we will assess how best to expand the program further.

To be eligible for the rebate, applicants must enter their OWN civic address. There are instances where one address is eligible while another next door or down the street is not eligible at this time – in those instances, the addresses not eligible are likely scheduled to be covered by the wireless project underway. The list of eligible civic addresses not receiving access until after December 31, 2023, was provided to Develop Nova Scotia by the MOPC.

An Overdue Update

July 2022

by Sueann Musick

We Let’s be honest, an update on our Rural Internet Project is overdue.

The reason for the delay in updating our progress has been because we have experienced some delays. 

But there are many positives happening with the project that I think need to be spoken about and hopefully, it will give you the reassurance that we are doing everything in our power to bring you high-speed internet.

This project has been six years in the making, but the first few years were about design, available infrastructure such as poles and determining how much fibre we would need, etc.   Then in early 2020, we thankfully received a little over $4 million from the federal government which allowed us to ramp up the wireless portion of the project, so we started working on tower sites, public consultations and purchasing land and towers.

The pandemic slowed everything down considerably.  Our staff is not building the internet. We have contracted companies that specialize in this field to do the work, and they were experiencing their own restrictions due to shutdowns and shipping/supply issues. 

But now we are in 2022 and we have seen progress in the last year.   Fourteen towers for our wireless project are expected to be ready for service by end of September or mid-October.  Some will be ready before this depending on when they are finished.  

Approved tower sites so far are Eureka, River John (Mountain Road), Baileys Brook, Hardwood Hill, Poplar Hill, Blue Mountain, East River, Eden Lake, Green Hill, Sunnybrae, Mt Thom, Willowdale, McLellan’s Mountain and Meiklefield.   We are currently working on land approvals for other tower sites on Pictou Island and Caribou Island.   

When your area is ready for wireless service, you will receive a letter in the mail from the municipality with details about how to connect.  We expect the service to cost $50 a month with no signup fees or contract.   The speed you receive will be determined by a few factors including, how close you are to the tower and if you are surrounded by trees or hills.  The signal from the tower is line of site so if there is something obstructing that line, your signal will be weaker.

We are also making fibre available to about two-thirds of the homes in rural Pictou County.  This is a bit more of a complicated process.  There has been a lot of mapping and design work done until this point, and now we are happy to say we are ready to soon connect about 250 people in the Lyons Brook area with an additional 200 homes in the Central West River area this fall.    Work will continue to move from area to area and when you are eligible for service, you will receive a letter from the municipality with instructions on how to sign up online.

Getting fibre installed to your home is currently a two-step process.   The crews installing the fibre on the poles will make an appointment with you to connect the fibre and terminal to your home.  After this is done, you will be given contact information for one of the internet service providers leasing our equipment to finish the service. 

There are three internet service providers who are signing contracts with us now and we are in talks with three more.   When your area is serviceable, you will be able to go online and see which internet service providers are available to you and can contact them about what packages or offers they have available to customers.  It is highly recommended that when you receive your notice in the mail letting you know you can make an appointment to have the fibre and terminal installed in your home, you do so while crews are in the area as there will be no installation fee. There is no obligation to subscribe to the internet service even if the fibre and terminal are installed.  If you have existing contracts or need time to evaluate the services being offered, the fibre will stay in your home so it will be there when you are ready to be connected.  

The cost of our fibre service will be determined by the internet service provider you choose.  The good news is that we will have a few available for you to pick from; each provider will be offering different packages.  We are operating an open access network which means any internet service provider can lease our equipment to provide you with service.  We believe this creates competition and better pricing for customers.

Our goal is to have most homes in rural Pictou County that are eligible for fibre be serviced by end of 2023 or early 2024, but much of this depends on how quickly permits can be processed by the companies that own the poles.

For every pole that needs fibre, there is a permit submitted to the company that owns it. Before the permit can be approved, the pole must be inspected and work such as replacing footings, doing tree clearing or replacing the pole will have to be done before we can touch it.   As you can imagine this is a long and laborious process and unfortunately our project is one of many projects for these companies.

I hope this provided some clarity about what has been happening with our project.  Continue to watch this website for updates as we will be posting here when we have more news to share. 

Thank You

Sueann Musick

Communications Officer

The Municipality of Pictou County.

New Tower Up on River Road

July 2022

by Sueann Musick

The new tower has been erected on River Road as part of the MOPC's internet project. This is the second tower the MOPC has erected for the wireless portion of its rural broadband project.  The first tower is located behind the MOPC"s administration building. 

The MOPC is expected to have 17 towers/monopoles ready for service by the end of summer/early fall.  The MOPC will be providing wireless service to rural residents across the county as well as fibre to the majority of homes by 2023-2024. 

Not all towers need to be erected by the MOPC. Some towers will be co-located, meaning the MOPC will be putting its equipment on towers that already exist in the county.  

When wireless service is available in specific areas, residents will be notified by mail and through updates on this website. Wireless service from the MOPC Is expected to cost $50 a month with no contact to sign or installation fee if signup is done soon after service is available. 

First Homeowner is Hooked Up to Fibre


by Sueann Musick

Oh, Happy Day it is official! Sandy and Ruth MacKay of Lyons Brook became the first homeowner to hook up to our MOPC fibre high-speed network. We will be testing our fibre network throughout the summer with several residents in the Lyons Brook area to make sure it is working well.

Crews will continue stringing fibre on poles in the county so that when testing is complete, people will be able to hook up to the service through an internet service provider. Our goal is to have a majority of the homes in rural Pictou County which are eligible for fibre be ready for service by the end of 2023.

Internet service providers that will be leasing our fibre to provide you service will be announced soon. Keep an eye on your mailbox because the information will be coming to you via mail and on our website at

In regard to wireless service, towers are currently being erected. All of our towers are expected to be serviceable by the end of summer/early fall.

We know this has been a long time coming and there has been a lot of planning done behind the scenes to get to this point, but we couldn't be more thrilled to have reached this milestone.

New Tower at MOPC Administration Building


by Sueann Musick

There is a new addition to the MOPC property at 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou. We have a new tower in our backyard as part of our Rural Broadband Project. It is one of 17 towers that are part of the project that will provide wireless internet service across rural Pictou County.

Residents will be informed by mail when the tower in their areas are serviceable. Updates will also be on our website The tower at the MOPC is expected to be in service by mid-May. All towers are expected to be ready for service by end of summer. The cost of our wireless service will be approximately $50 a month with no installation fee if sign-up is done quickly and no contract.

In addition, eligible Lyons Brook residents are expected to receive notices in the mail within the next few weeks about signing up for fibre optic services.

Similar to the wireless service, as the project moves throughout the county, people who are eligible for fibre will be notified by mail with all of the details needed to make a decision as to whether the service is the right choice for them. The cost of the fibre to the homeowners is expected to be about $130 a month but this will be dependent upon the internet service providers that you select. ISPS information will be included in the package you receive in the mail when service is available.

Federal Government Commits $31.7 Million to Rural Broadband Project


by Sueann Musick

We We are getting inquiries from people about connecting to our Rural Internet Service.   We love the fact that people are being diligent in checking this website and live map which tells them that wireless service will be available by March 2022.   

However, due to delays over the winter months that included poor weather conditions and shipping issues, we were not able to get the towers up for the wireless service as expected so our map needs to be updated. 

Our towers will start to be connected in late April or early May 2022,  people will be able to get connected once they are in place people and they will receive information in the mail about hooking up to the service. The first tower to be hooked up will be on our own property here at the MOPC Administration Building and the groundwork is currently being done to accommodate the tower. 

As the towers are constructed and ready for service, people will be contacted.  We expect our wireless service to cost the homeowner $50 a month and there will be no installation fee for people who sign up for the service when it becomes available. 

There is no change in our fibre service. Fibre has been placed on poles in the Lyons Brook Area and the next step is to test the service so we can be sure everything is working properly before we make it ready for our first customers.  We expect our fibre service to cost about $130 a month. 

We apologize for the delays. We know people are anxious to get the service and have been waiting patiently to get hooked up.  Continue to check your mail and this site for updates. 

Construction has begun on MOPC internet project 


by Sueann Musick

The Municipality of Pictou County’s (MOPC) rural internet project is a step closer to offering residents quality service. 

Crews started placing fibre on poles in rural Pictou County at the end of November. There is also considerable work being undertaken at MOPC’s administration building as it prepares to be the network’s hub.

“I am excited to see the first visible signs of our high-speed internet project as the rubber finally hits the road,” said MOPC Warden Robert Parker. “I know that many of our rural residents are getting tired of hearing it is coming soon.”

The Municipality of Pictou County is building a network that will service not only the needs of rural residents who want to stream movies or work from home, but the data utility will support larger commercial and industrial needs including education, agriculture, and health care.

The need for improved internet service in rural Pictou County has been an ongoing issue for many years.  MOPC council has taken the steps to create a network that will see two thirds of Pictou County homes receive fibre and another one-third have access to wireless service.   Depending on geographical location, some homes and businesses will have the option of both fibre and wireless services. 

Thirteen telecommunication tower sites have been approved and another four locations have been identified.  Top wireless speeds will reach 50 Mbps and the project will see 1123 kms of fibre installed for eligible residents and businesses.

“Both the wireless and fibre portions of the project are being done simultaneously and that work will continue throughout the winter,” Warden Parker says. “The head office component is well on the way with new equipment being installed daily and new staff will be hired soon to help operate the network. The important thing now is to keep the ball rolling to deliver the best quality high-speed internet possible to all our residents at a competitive price.”

Once the infrastructure is in place, the MOPC will sell network services to internet service providers, who will provide service to residents.  This, in turn, will allow the municipality to create revenue from the project rather than paying telecommunications companies to build the infrastructure and collect revenue without any return for the MOPC.   The estimated cost for the project is slightly over $50 million to be financed over 20 years.

Internet service providers and pricing for both the fibre and wireless services will be provided soon on the and through many other forms of communication.

Residents can find out more about the services they will be offered by clicking on the live map on the


Introducing the New Look and Feel of MOPC Network: A Rebrand for a Connected Future 

July 2024

by Shannon Payne

At MOPC Network, we are excited to unveil our brand-new look and feel! This rebranding is more than just a visual makeover—it's a reflection of our commitment to innovation, reliability, and community connection. As we continue to expand and enhance our network, we want our brand to embody the cutting-edge technology and forward-thinking spirit that define our services.

Why We Rebranded

1. Reflecting Our Evolution

Since our inception, MOPC Network has grown significantly. We've expanded our infrastructure, improved our services, and reached more homes and businesses across the municipality. Our new brand identity reflects this evolution, showcasing our progress and the advanced capabilities of our network.

2. Emphasizing Community Connection

Community has always been at the heart of what we do. Our new branding emphasizes our deep roots in the community and our ongoing commitment to serving our neighbors. The fresh, vibrant visuals and modern design elements convey our dedication to building a network that connects and supports everyone in our region.

3. Enhancing Brand Recognition

A strong, recognizable brand is crucial in today’s digital age. Our rebranding effort aims to create a cohesive and memorable identity that stands out. The new logo, color palette, and overall aesthetic are designed to be instantly recognizable and to communicate our core values of reliability, innovation, and community focus.

4. Aligning with Our Mission

Our mission is to provide top-tier internet connectivity that fosters competition and consumer choice through an open access network. The new look and feel align with this mission, portraying MOPC Network as a forward-thinking, customer-centric provider. The sleek, modern design elements reflect the high-speed, reliable internet services we offer and our commitment to keeping our community connected.

Updated Website

Our website has also been completely refreshed with the new look and feel. The updated site is more user-friendly, making it easier for you to check your eligibility, sign up for services, and stay informed about the latest network updates and community events.

Moving Forward

As we continue to grow and innovate, our new brand will serve as a foundation for our future endeavors. We are excited about the possibilities that lie ahead and are committed to delivering exceptional service to our community.

Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this exciting new chapter. Stay tuned for more updates and be sure to visit our refreshed website once it goes live.

The Benefits of Open Access Networks 

July 2024

by Shannon Payne

In today's digital age, internet connectivity is as essential as electricity or water. As communities strive for better, faster, and more reliable internet services, the concept of open access networks is gaining traction. But what exactly is an open access network, and why is it so beneficial? Let's explore the numerous advantages of this innovative approach to internet infrastructure.

What is an Open Access Network?

An open access network is a type of broadband network that allows multiple internet service providers (ISPs) to offer services over the same physical infrastructure. Unlike traditional networks, where a single provider controls the entire network, open access networks separate the physical network infrastructure from the service providers. This separation fosters competition and choice, ultimately benefiting consumers.

Key Benefits of Open Access Networks

1. Increased Competition

One of the most significant advantages of open access networks is the increase in competition among ISPs. With multiple providers able to offer services over the same network, consumers are no longer limited to just one option. This competition encourages ISPs to improve their services, offer better customer support, and provide more competitive pricing.

2. Enhanced Consumer Choice

Open access networks empower consumers with the freedom to choose their preferred service provider. This flexibility means that customers can select an ISP that best meets their needs, whether it's for higher speeds, better customer service, or specific pricing plans. The ability to switch providers without changing the underlying network infrastructure also reduces the hassle and cost associated with switching ISPs.

3. Improved Service Quality

Competition naturally drives improvements in service quality. ISPs on an open access network are motivated to provide superior service to attract and retain customers. This often leads to better network performance, higher speeds, and more reliable connections. Consumers benefit from a more robust and resilient internet service as a result.

4. Economic Growth and Innovation

Open access networks can stimulate economic growth and innovation within communities. By providing affordable and reliable internet access, these networks support local businesses, enable remote work, and foster the growth of tech startups. The increased connectivity can also attract new businesses to the area, boosting the local economy.

5. Digital Inclusion

By offering a competitive marketplace for internet services, open access networks can help bridge the digital divide. They ensure that more people, including those in underserved or rural areas, have access to high-quality internet services. This inclusivity is essential for education, healthcare, and overall quality of life in today's interconnected world.

6. Efficient Use of Infrastructure

Open access networks make efficient use of infrastructure by allowing multiple providers to share the same physical network. This approach reduces the need for redundant networks, minimizing environmental impact and lowering costs. It also means that communities can achieve widespread internet coverage more quickly and with less disruption.


Open access networks represent a forward-thinking approach to internet connectivity that offers numerous benefits for consumers, businesses, and communities. By fostering competition, enhancing consumer choice, improving service quality, driving economic growth, promoting digital inclusion, and making efficient use of infrastructure, these networks are paving the way for a more connected and equitable future.

As more communities and municipalities embrace the concept of open access networks, we can look forward to a future where high-quality internet access is available to all, empowering individuals and driving innovation in every corner of society.

Two steps to signing up for MOPC Rural Broadband Project

September 2022

by Sueann Musick

MOPC Rural Internet project: We sent out 250 letters earlier this month in the Lyons Brook, Hardwood Hill area letting people know they could receive fibre service.

The first step is to go onto the website listed on the letter to book a free data utility hookup. This will allow our team to take the fibre from the poles to your home and connect it to a small utility box on the outside of your house or business.

We encourage you to get this done now even if you need more time to think about your options or are in an existing contract with another internet service provider.

If you need technical assistance signing up for this free service or have questions about MOPC's rural internet project, please call Sueann Musick at 902-485-2238 (Leave a message if necessary) or email Appointments can be made to meet in person at the MOPC's administrative building at 46 Municipal Drive, Pictou to help you sign up for the service.

Fibre ready to service residents in areas of Lyons Brook and Hardwood Hill

August 2022

by Sueann Musick

Good News on a Friday afternoon! The MOPC is sending out more than 250 letters today to residents in Lyons Brook and Hardwood Hill letting them know they can sign up for fibre through our rural broadband fibre network. Instructions on how to sign up are included in the letter as well as the internet service providers.

Check your mailboxes next week to see if you are ready for service.

We are also testing our equipment on the Hardwood Hill tower for wireless service and will soon be doing the same with the towers on Mt Thom and at our administration building.

We are planning a grand launch of our network on September 29 here at our administration building where you can learn more about the network and meet our internet service providers. Stay tuned for details coming next week.

Rural Braadband Project Presentation


by Sueann Musick

The MOPC recently attended ratepayers meetings to provide an update on the Rural Broadband Project. Thank you to everyone that attended the meetings and asked questions.  This is the presentation that was provided at the meetings. 

MOPC Rural Broadband Project Presentation 

MOPC Rural Internet Project close to servicing first customers


by Sueann Musick

Our rural internet project is getting close to hooking up its first customers. The first phase of the project includes fibre to homes in the Lyons Brook area. 

This area was selected first because we needed to do work on our own MOPC Administration Building as part of the start-up. There will be more than 200 homes in this first phase eligible for fibre hookup.

Internet Service Providers are being firmed up and will be announced on our website as soon as hook up is available. Rural residents will also receive information in the mail for both wireless and fibre services.

Our wireless service will also begin connecting people this month. Similar to fibre, it will be a continuous rollout as well, meaning that not everyone will be hooked up at once. When wireless service is available it will also be announced on our website as well with information in the mail. We expect the costs of the fibre and wireless services to be compatible with what is available in today's marketplace.