
MOPC Rural Network
a cutting-edge infrastructure designed to
connect our community like never before

Discover the Power of an Open Access Network!

In today's interconnected world, Open Access Broadband guarantees universal connectivity. Our network is open to all and delivers:

  • The Power of Choice to the Consumer. 
  • Healthy Competition Keeps Pricing Consumer Friendly. 
  • Community Owned and Operated.
  • One Network that Requires Only One Installation.  

Investing in and Empowering Our Communities Through Connectivity

​When you subscribe to our Open Access Broadband Network, you're investing in the prosperity of our local economy.  With multiple service providers leveraging the same infrastructure, your support goes directly to local businesses, keeping resources circulating within our community.

 Competition drives affordability. With numerous suppliers vying for your attention, providers are driven to offer competitive pricing and top-notch services to earn and maintain your patronage. This translates to better deals and enhanced services for you, the customer.

 Our Open Access Broadband Network isn't just about connectivity; it's an investment in the future of Pictou County. By establishing and nurturing this critical infrastructure, we're ensuring that our community remains at the forefront of innovation, competitiveness, and connectivity in an ever-evolving digital landscape.